The Queer Wall | Camden Alive
Over the last seven months as part of Camden Alive we’ve been working on a project in Lismore Circus, the estate that Scottee grew up on.
Class in Manchester | The story so far...
This month we took over HOME's main house with Class. Since Edinburgh we've rethought the show, its place and its future. Check out this gorgeous film from Claire Nolan about where we're at and where we're heading to.
Bleeps + Bloops | Podcast
Hey Babes, I’m Matty May, Associate Director of Scottee & Friends Ltd. Back in July, as part of Hunt & Darton’s Radio Local I spent a week living working and playing in Manchester…
It's Not OK to Feel Blue (and other lies)
This year I was kindly asked by that there Scarlett Curtis if I'd contribute to their new curated book on mental health and wellbeing. My rant sits along side the thoughts of Sam Smith, Emma Thompson, Miranda Hart and Naomi Campbell - what a bunch!
Scary Dreams and Financial Nightmares | Edinburgh 2019
Edinburgh is a place that has nice buildings, great people and many ways you can eat deep fried pizza.
Queer + Trans* Art Sector Meeting | 1st July
Last week we published a blog outlining our sadness and frustration in the increase of homophobic and transphobic assaults, abuse and violence across the UK.
Things We've Always Wanted to Tell You | Dublin Fringe
You’re invited to a dinner party we’d never be invited to. Sit down, shut up and come overhear the conversations of four proud working class Irish folk as they discuss the middle classes, privilege and the bright lights of Lidl.
A Letter to Queer and Trans* Arts Sector in the UK
In recent months across the UK we’ve become aware of multiple violent attacks towards our community - some well reported in the media, some told to us through emails and…
It’s Friday night and I’m at my desk attempting to finish off the last bits of work so I can meet my husband, go for a Chinese tea and skip, holding hands towards the cinema to watch Rocketman whilst being full of MSG goodness.
Bleeps + Bloops | Manchester
In 2009 an app made its way on the the smart phones of queers, fags and femmes that began to change the cultural landscape of queer communities across the world.
Fat Blokes | Edinburgh Festival Fringe
Fat Blokes is a sort of dance show about flab, double chins and getting your kit off in public - made by artist and forward facing fatso, Scottee.
Scottee: Class
Scottee grew up around mould, mice and clothes off the market. After a chance meeting with some posh kids, his Mum teaching him to talk proper and him successfully persuading his parents to take him off free school meals Scottee knew he didn’t want to be common.
Masculinities Anonymous | Dublin
Last week I’ve spent a few days in Dublin working on Masculinities Anonymous - my nomadic (sort of) self help group and travelling artist studio
Fat Blokes | 2019 Tour
Fat Blokes is a sort of dance show about flab, double chins and getting your kit off in public - made by artist and forward facing fatso, Scottee.
Southend weirdo Scottee is bringing his notorious performance party to the seaside for a weekend of attention seeking, rolling around the floor and arty stuff!
WLTM Podcast #2
Do you smile and wave when you cross paths, do you pop into each other’s for a brew ...or do you keep yourself to yourself? Here is the first of our two very brilliant podcasts that give you a glimpse into the work we've been doing in Leeds…
WLTM Podcast #1
Do you smile and wave when you cross paths, do you pop into each other’s for a brew ...or do you keep yourself to yourself? Here is the first of our two very brilliant podcasts that give you a glimpse into the work we've been doing in Leeds…
Everyone’s an Activist
A lot of the sort of Everyone’s a fucking activist ain’t they? Anyone who has ever posted a Trump meme, followed Momentum on twitter or has a Lush tote bag can claim they are fighting the good fight.
Measures of Success
A lot of the sort of work my peers and I make is arbitrarily measured by capitalist ideas of success - the number of people who engage / the cheaper it is per head the better it supposedly is.