Masculinities Anonymous | Dublin

Last week I’ve spent a few days in Dublin working on Masculinities Anonymous - my nomadic (sort of) self help group and travelling artist studio. The group or MA was organically devised for V&A Lates Programme and to date has seen 960 people gather around cheap biscuits and sugary juice.

The project / performance is about creating space for folk to discuss, dissect and document relationships with maleness - a space for thinking, critiquing and dreaming about men, their actions and their futures.

Last weeks host was Science Gallery Dublin - coinciding with their Intimacy show looking at interaction, connection and consent.

Myself, those who attended MA and those who put themselves forward to participate talked about passing, pride, violence, justification, expectation, vilification and normalisation.

I’m not sure what this performative research is leading to yet but #NotAllMen, classed masculinities, utopian maleness and the eradication of identity seem to always be discussed.Everyone agrees there’s a problem but we’re all not entirely sure how to move forward without replicating the same stuff we’re trying to move away from.

Photo essay by Brian Teeling

Intimacy runs at Science Gallery Dublin until 24th February 2019

Special thanks to Aisling Murray and Cian Walsh


Set Designer | Sound Designer | TSM


Fat Blokes | 2019 Tour