
Scottee Scottee

Is Peterborough Homophobic?

Last Saturday I began my year-long residency in Peterborough with arts organisation Metal, looking at radical queerness and the curation of a more forward facing LGBTQIA* community. As with the start of all of my projects I’ve begun with a community conversation - these have become nicknamed the Dinner Debates. I’ve used them to develop projects like Putting Words in Your Mouth, Bravado, You Are Not Alone and the Working Class Dinner Party. The offer is simple - I ask a geographic location a polarising question with the promise of food and beer.

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Scottee Scottee

Digitalising Togetherness

Hey Weirdos, you might have seen that this year I am working loads across three locations in the UK - Peterborough, Southend and Wales. Over the past year (and for the next 12 months) I’ve meeting meeting LGBTQIA* folk across these locations - we’ve been drinking tea, eating cake and talking about what it is to be LGBTQIA* in the UK 50 years since the partial decriminalisation of sex between men in England and Wales.

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