In early 2021 we wanted to do something that would be fun for children and their families. This time marked one whole year since the government announced those of us living in the UK were to stop all ‘non-essential contact and travel’. It had been a difficult 12 months.

So, in April 2021 we provided ten families across the UK with a very fancy Friday night tea prepared by chef Sam Ashton-Booth.

They also got their own personalised playlist from Unskinny Bop and story time with some of our favourite queer performers.

Scottee & Friends offered 10 families across the UK the chance to have their Friday night tea made for them on Friday 16th April 2021.

We’ll provided everything needed to make it feel like a meal to remember - decor, music, games, art (nothing horrible or rubbish) and a very special guest via zoom!

Of course we threw in some camp staples to set the evening off because what is life without party hats?

We have it on good authority that the meal included the best trifle ever made and that the next generation are very excited by drag and queer weirdos telling stories.

Have a little nose at this video to get a snapshot of the fanciness of it all babes.

Fancy Friday Night Tea is produced by Scottee & Friends Ltd, using the Room to Respond pot, supported by Paul Hamyln Foundation.


Working Class Artist Group